It's a time of transition. The SPM Roadmap exists because society is learning about the risks and hazards that regulators have been denying. Chemical pesticides contribute to the chronic disease epidemic. Gender dysphoria is not being studied, but it looks like an epidemic as well. Endocrine-disrupting pesticides (e.g. neonics as well as methoxychlor and vinclozolin) could be contributing, along with BPA, phthalates & PCB's. It adds up to people with illnesses everywhere we look!
PCAs need of training in ecological approaches. If you want to learn how the below-ground as well as above-ground biological and ecological complexity works to lower the cost below chemical inputs for pest prevention and suppression on farms and in landscapes, you can develop a robust and satisfying career. Institutions offering CEUs do not provide this knowledge; you have to learn it from farms that are moving along the continuum from chemical to biological inputs toward biodiversity. Initiative and development of intuitive capabilities are needed to gain relevant knowledge and skill to be effective PCAs. Â A good place to find mentors and farms where you can make the necessary years in succession of observations in biologically managed settings is at ecological and regenerative farming conferences like this excellent workshop at Eco Farm.