In-season meetings to discuss the latest research on current crop and agriculture issues. Here are some Round Table topics:
Ants, Mealybugs, and Leafroll virus spread in local Vineyards
Sudden vine collapse, virus complexes, and area pheromone use
Nematode pressure with rootstocks, sampling methods, and labs
Spider mites, products, pressure, and patterns relating to heat stress
Gophers, burrowing vertebrate pest pressure
Red blotch disease management, treehopper scouting, nursery rootstock viral infection
Cover crop planting for weed competition, under vine floor management
Ag Commissioner updates on licensing exams and categories for QAL/PCA
AAIE Annual Conference 2025
Please find the Course Completion for day 1 and 2 of the AAIE Annual Conference below.
Contact us or by email at directors.aaie@gmail.com or through the website for any questions, comments, or concerns.
Thank you all for attending, looking forward 2026!
Interact with your peers in IPM at the state and national levels.
Local AAIE meetings/roundtables encourage discussions and allow members to share information at the local level.
The AAIE E Blast keeps you current on the latest research, field observations, issues relating to IPM, regulatory happenings, as well as job and educational opportunities.
Access to the List Server.
Free Listing on Consultant Page.
Voting Rights at Annual Meetings.

AAIE was incorporated in 1967 when two IPM pioneers, Louis Ruud, and Jim Gorden along with others saw a need to create an organization that promoted education and sharing ideas related to using IPM to control pest issues in California Agriculture. Select learn more to read about AAIE's founder members and current Board Members.
Listen Now to Down On The Farm Podcast with Host Tom Willey and Board Member Jon Holmquist
Raised in Modesto farm country, Jon Holmquist took a shine to entomology at San Diego State in the 1970s. Jon hung his own shingle throughout the ‘80s as an independent Pest Management Consultant, counted among an emergent cadre of professionals focused on agroecology and biological solutions vs. toxics. For some three decades, Holmquist distinguished himself in viticulture, agronomy, and pest management with two of the world’s largest wine companies.
Join “Down on the Farm” host Tom Willey and Jon Holmquist in conversation on Friday, 5 pm on Free Speech Radio, KFCF 88.1FM Fresno.